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September 14, 2021  |  
The Latinos For A Better Future Coalition, a group of Latino leaders and non-partisan national organizations, will work to ensure the passage of crucial legislation that supports progress for Latino communities across the nation, including those in Puerto Rico,
September 13, 2021  |  
Congress is in the midst of negotiating a once in a lifetime intervention on climate, the Latino community cannot be left behind.
August 26, 2021  |  
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency just announced that it will ban chlorpyrifos from all food crops. Mark Magana, Founding President & CEO of GreenLatinos released the following statement.
June 10, 2021  |  
The EPA announced that they will begin the process of repealing the Trump administration’s Navigable Waters Protection Rule otherwise known as the Dirty Water Rule. Although this is an important first step and we agree the unlawful rule should be repealed, today’s announcement continues to leave our nation’s waters in jeopardy. Every day the Dirty Water Rule is allowed to stay in effect threatens the health of our waterways and the communities that rely on them.
May 11, 2021  |  
GreenLatinos applauds Minnesota as it becomes the 15th state to formally adopt clean car standards. Last week, a Minnesota administrative law judge ruled in favor of the state’s effort to adopt the Clean Cars Minnesota Rule, a set of standards that would require new cars sold in the state to emit less climate-disrupting pollution and increase the availability and sales of zero-emission cars. The Clean Cars Minnesota standards, according to the ruling, will reduce air pollution, protect public health, and advance environmental justice.
April 22, 2021  |  
GreenLatinos released the following statement regarding Earth Day/Día de la Tierra 2021
April 14, 2021  |  
GreenLatinos Applauds the Appointment of Brenda Mallory to CEQ
March 19, 2021  |  
The House Natural Resources Committee released the Environmental Justice for All Act to address systemic environmental racism in marginalized communities across the nation. GreenLatinos enthusiastically endorses this landmark legislation.
March 17, 2021  |  
GreenLatinos from across the nation will meet with members of Congress this week as part of Latino Advocacy Week. The GreenLatinos (virtual) Fly-In to Capitol Hill will highlight new GreenLatinos environmental, climate and justice priorities for the Biden Administration.
March 10, 2021  |  
Statement from Mark Magaña, Founding President & CEO of GreenLatinos, on the confirmation of Biden Administration Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan.
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