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October 27, 2022  |  
A GreenLatinos Colorado State Program victory for our comunidades!
October 18, 2022  |  
El Sitio Histórico Nacional de la Escuela Blackwell es la segunda unidad de parque nacional que reconoce la historia contemporánea hispana y latina de los EE. UU. (la primera es el Monumento Nacional César E. Chávez, que acaba de celebrar su décimo aniversario desde su designación en 2012).
October 18, 2022  |  
The Blackwell School National Historic Site is the second national park unit to recognize contemporary U.S. Hispanic and Latino history (the first being the César E. Chávez National Monument which just celebrated its 10th anniversary since its designation in 2012).
October 3, 2022  |  
Weakening the Clean Water Act will only continue to degrade the planet, while impacting Latino/a/x communities first and worst.
September 29, 2022  |  
GreenLatinos Founding President and CEO Mark Magaña released the following statement following the removal of Sen. Manchin's pollution permitting deal was removed from the must-pass Continuing Resolution bill.
September 28, 2022  |  
September 12, 2022  |  
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, over 30 Latino/a/x-serving organizations representing thousands of concerned community members released a letter expressing their...
September 8, 2022  |  
Un nuevo informe elaborado por una coalición de organizaciones de defensa de los consumidores, la sostenibilidad, la ciencia y la equidad (Consumer Reports, EVNoire, GreenLatinos y Union of Concerned Scientists) propone un conjunto de políticas para superar las barreras sistémicas a la adopción de vehículos eléctricos que afectan desproporcionadamente a los consumidores negros y latinos.
September 8, 2022  |  
In a new report, a group of consumer, sustainability, science, and equity advocacy organizations —Consumer Reports, EVNoire, GreenLatinos, and the Union of Concerned Scientists-– identify policy recommendations to help overcome systemic barriers to adopting EVs that disproportionately impact potential Black and Latino buyers.
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