
Seasonal Stewardship Coordinator

The Seasonal Stewardship Coordinator works with SUWA’s Stewardship Director and Stewardship Coordinator to ensure effective, safe, and educational volunteer projects on wilderness-quality public lands across Utah. Duties are diverse and propelled by organizational priorities as well as the directive to build stronger, more purposeful relationships with federal agency staff at the field office level.


The Seasonal Stewardship Coordinator is an “on-the-ground ambassador” – a liaison between SUWA, agency personnel (BLM, USFS), and a diverse volunteer base including: members, supporters, students and other youth groups, and the general public. The position involves consecutive long days in remote regions, rigorous physical activity, and periodic backcountry driving, often on rugged and technical four-wheel-drive roads. SUWA’s Stewardship Director and Stewardship Coordinator will provide the resources, training, and additional support to ensure that the Seasonal Stewardship Coordinator is prepared and equipped to excel in the roles outlined below.


The position is based out of Moab, Utah. Anticipated start date is mid-February, 2024 beginning with a week-long orientation and training. The project season then begins in mid-March. This is a part-time, seasonal position paid at $20.00 per hour. The Seasonal Stewardship Coordinator  is assigned a project schedule determined in advance of hire by the Stewardship Director. Note that a background check will be required prior to a job offer.

Roles y responsabilidades

  • Facilitar proyectos de voluntariado en tierras públicas en todo Utah.
  • Documente todo el trabajo realizado mediante informes escritos y mapas georreferenciados.
  • Coordine grupos de voluntarios pequeños y grandes durante varios días, incluidos los fines de semana.
  • Manage program assets including tool inventory, field kitchen and vehicle.
  • Meet regularly with Stewardship Director and Stewardship Coordinator to discuss work.
  • Otras responsabilidades que le asigne el Director de Mayordomía.

Intereses y habilidades preferidos

  • Demonstrated commitment to wilderness preservation and interest in wilderness management.
  • Experiencia guiando y trabajando con diversos grupos en terrenos públicos en zonas rurales o entornos desafiantes al aire libre, así como experiencia conduciendo en caminos accidentados con tracción en las cuatro ruedas en lugares remotos.
  • Capacidad para pasar de 3 a 5 días consecutivos a la vez en ubicaciones remotas sin servicio de telefonía celular y la voluntad de trabajar en todo tipo de condiciones climáticas, incluidos entornos desérticos hostiles y, a menudo, de alta temperatura.
  • Conocimiento básico de SIG (Sistemas de Información Geográfica).
  • Competence with Google Drive, Microsoft Office and standard data input systems.
  • Compromiso de trabajar en un horario flexible y basado en las necesidades, incluidos frecuentes viajes de mayordomía los fines de semana.
  • Poseer una licencia de conducir válida emitida por el estado y un historial de conducción limpio.
Tipo de trabajo:
A tiempo parcial, no exento
Moab, Utah

Cómo aplicar

Interested applicants should email a cover letter and resume to Jeremy Lynch, Stewardship Director, at contratació

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